Sustainably sourced while
caring for Country
Our cultural philosophy passed down through generations is to "tread lightly and only leave your footprints" and "only take what you need". Meaning, how we live and be on the land is to leave as little damage as possible, don't be greedy like Tiddalick but share with the heart and think of others and future generations. This is our way for caring for our Mother Earth, our Barray and for Kin.
"Our cultural philosophy echoes into our arts practice. Through my designs these teachings are carefully thought of while sourcing and making our jewellery."
Soured with care
Some of our materials such as shells, echidna quills and native seeds are sourced on Country. We do not harvest live animals in their shells, but only collect by hand when they are washed upon the shores or after pippies have been recyceled after a big feed. Our echidna quills are sourced from road kill, after they have sadly been hit by a car on the highway or after family members have discarded the quills after hunting and we breathe new life into them.

Keeping it local
Our other products are ethically sourced from Australian farms and retailers. Ensuring we are contributing to the sustainability of our economy by supporting Australian businesses is important to us. Our findings (earring hooks, jump rings etc) are sourced from Australian jewellery companies. Our emu feathers are sourced from emu farms in Australia along with our packaging.
Sustainable packaging
Packaging can be an unnecessary waste contributing to over 7 million tonnes of waste in Australian landfills. We are aiming for our packing to be 100% eco-friendly with the ability to be composted, recycled or reused. We prefer our packaging to be light and minimal with the land and you in mind.
Jewellery made with love
I have been creating jewellery and art since I was a wonai (child) and creating is my passion and my way of being. Each piece I make is handmade with love and care with high quality findings to last. Handmade locally gives you peace of mind to know your new pair of earrings are made ethically and responsibly.